Thursday, March 27, 2014

Lec 6: Lab Quiz is open

Lab Quiz is now open. Data for this quiz is available on ISM06CalcQuiz.xlsx , which can be accessed from this link.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Lec 06: Comprehension Quiz

Lec 06 Comprehension Quiz has been uploaded. Please also note that on Wednesday (tomorrow) lab session will be conducted (on Box plots) from 8:30 to 11:00 am.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Lab 5 Quiz

Lab 5 Quiz is now available. Data set (ISM05Quiz_irfan.xls )is available at

LAb 3 Quiz

Lab 3 Quiz is now available. Data used for this quiz "quiz2lab3.xlsx" is available at

Saturday, March 22, 2014

New Quiz on Leb 4 is Available

New Quiz  based on Lab  4 is now open. Data file named Lab4quiz2.xls is available at

Friday, March 21, 2014

Quiz on Lab 2 is Now available.

Quiz on Lab 2 is  now available.  Quizzes on other labs will also be posted soon. this quiz is based on slightly different data set with minor modifications in questions. So please be careful while attempting Quiz.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Schedule Changes -- Lab Tomorrow

TO: Students of Intro Stats Class:
Due to a conference tommorrow, I will not be able to deliver the live lecture on Wednesday morning at 9:00. I have postponed it to THURSDAY, 13th March, 2014 at 2:00PM.

I have also asked ASADUL - ISLAM, my Ph.D. Student, to come in at 9:00 AM tomorrow to help students with the Lab Exercise. This is OPTIONAL for those students who need help -- however, looking at the scores on Computational Quiz, many student seem to need help. This class will be held in one of the labs, my secretary Zaheer is arranging for the lab. 

Asadul Islam will not be doing any lecturing. Students who need help with the Lab exercises should go to the lab and start working on their own -- at any point at which they have difficulty, they can ask Asadul Islam for help. He will try to provide help with the EXCEL and with the exercises. Remember that the point is to learn to do these exercises on your own, not to find the answer to the question from someone else.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Lab05 Is Now available

Weekend is a good time for working on the new ISM05Lab.docx which is now available from the webpage for Lecture 5: Measuring Dispersion and Variation. Download it from bottom of page. You will also need data in the EXCEL spreadsheet ISM05Data4Lab to solve the exercises. 

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Self Paced Version of Course: Now Available

I have created a new class on QUIZSTAR, with name:  "Intro Stats: SELF PACED". This has all quizzes open at all times, with any number of retakes. People who wish to register for the course now, can sign up for this class and do the quizzes from the start, at their own pace. 

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Computational Quiz 4 is Open:

Computational quiz of lecture 4 is open and will remain open till Tuesday midnight. Please make sure to complete it before that. Only on special request quiz will be opened for those who could not finish it, due to some serious issue.