Sunday, February 9, 2014

Intro Stats Course Starts Today 10th February

The course will start today. I will give a LIVE lecture today (Monday 10th February 2014) in the A.R. Kemal Room at PIDE. Students in nearby areas (QAU) are permitted to attend (if there is space available in the room). This lecture will be recorded and made available -- apparently it will also be livestreamed.

NOTE: at 10:30am -- lecture completed & recorded; recording will be available on website and on my personal website SOON. This was an introductory lecture, explaining the special features of the course. One student made an excellent suggestion, leading the idea that the title of the course should be: "Introduction to Statistics -- taught in Islamic Style" -- because our goal is not to restrict audience to Muslim students only, but rather to utilize Islamic principles and methods of teaching and learning.

ALL STUDENTS should register as FOLLOWERS of this blog. That way all messages posted to this blog will automatically get emailed to them. All information about this course will be posted to this blog.

The first quiz is  Lec 01 Islamic Knowledge: Comprehension Quiz, WHICH IS NOW OPEN for taking on QUIZSTAR. You only get one chance at this quiz, and it is open till wednesday. In general there will be TWO quizzes on each lecture. One will be lecture comprehension quiz and second will be a calculation quiz.

Some students are taking this as a class on Environmental Valuation Techniques. They will be given extra tasks, and I will set up a separate blog/website for them. They are required to READ the Wikipedia article on Contingent Valuation. Please submit a list of names and email adresses and contact info (mobiles) to my secretary, to receive more information about this.

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