Sunday, April 6, 2014

Schedule for April 7th to 14th

We had a disturbed schedule in the past few weeks because of the necessity of going back over material that students had not learned. Hopefully, everyone is caught up by now, and has submitted the midterm. For any special cases having difficulty, I can arrange tutoring sessions -- if they come to me (or to my TA's) for help -- but NOT if they copy and pretend to understand what they dont.

From this week, we should resume regular schedule. Monday, all should watch lecture 8 on density estimation. This is an improvement over the histogram. The class from 9:00 to 10:30 will have my TA's Irfan and Waqar present, and they will explain any issues that are not clear to the students. Then students should READ the textbook chapter: Lec08 Density.docx -- this is attached at the bottom of the webpage for this lecture:
You may want to watch the lecture again after reading the text -- this time you should be able to follow and understand it much better.

Tomorrow, you should be able to take the Comprehension Quiz on this lecture.  Now we are going to try to take you off bottle feed, so you will only have one day - complete this quiz by midnite on tuesday

On Wednesday, you will have the computer lab, in which you will learn how to make density plots for data in EXCEL, with varying windowsizes.

On Thursday, you should practice these computer techniques on your own, and redo the lab exercises to make sure that you understand how to do it on your own without any help from anyboy.

On Friday you should take the Computational Quiz on Lecture 8. THEN you can rest Sat Sun and prepare for the same schedule next week which will cover Lecture 9.

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